An Unforgettable Experience for a Young Aviation Photographer

At MHD-ROCKLAND, our love for airplanes, especially our P-3s stationed in Keystone Heights, Florida, is unparalleled.

We really appreciate it when people share pictures of our aircraft in action. Both professional and aspiring photographers often send us pictures they took of our planes via our Social Media account. If we find the picture captivating, we share it with our followers with the photographer’s permission, sharing our love of aviation with our followers and the aviation community.

Recently, an aspiring young photographer shared some great pictures of one of our P-3s flying from Cecil Field Florida, and we shared them on our social media. We later found out that the talented young photographer, a 14-year-old high school student became the victim of a cruel prank after his photographs were shared on MHD-R social media; someone pretending to be from MHD-R called him to extend a fake invitation to fly aboard an MHD-R P-3, which got him super excited because he’s a huge aviation fan. Unfortunately, he soon realized that it was all a prank and was left feeling disappointed. A few days later, the young man’s mother contacted us via our social media pages and informed us of what had happened. Needless to say we were saddened by the news and felt terrible that someone had played such a cruel joke on this talented young man, using the good name of MHD-R.

Being a company that is passionate about aircraft technology and people, we decided to turn this unfortunate incident into a positive experience by offering him an actual chance to visit our Keystone facility and tour our planes. Our Marketing Manager and the Flight Ops team in Florida were happy to organize a visit for Charles and his mom on one of our test flight days.

Therefore a happy ending!  Charles, accompanied by his mother, visited our facility last month and was given a comprehensive tour of the aircraft by Mike Granger, CDR, (USN, ret.)-ESG. He was introduced to the crew during pre-flight, got to sit in the pilot seat, and learned about the functions of the aircraft. It was clear to us that Charles has a profound passion for aviation. He was able to engage in insightful conversations with Mike about the P3 vs P8 and other military aircraft. The highlight of his day was watching the P-3 depart from the infield of 42J. He captured these moments with his camera, and we are now sharing these pictures with his permission.

We thoroughly enjoyed his company and showing him around the facility. Most importantly, we were thrilled to bring a significant amount of joy into his life. We hope that this experience will leave a lasting and positive impression on him, reflecting our commitment to our followers and the aviation community.

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You can check out Charles’s Aviation Photography on Instagram: @breezyaviation10